Gen Prague: Taming gentrification

Where there were previously basic services and dusty asphalt sidewalks, there are now well-maintained streets, repaired buildings and trendy businesses in a neighborhood where everyone wants to live. But against the backdrop of renewal, there is a process underway that is significantly changing the composition of inner-city residents: gentrification. While some enjoy new amenities and opportunities, others suffer from the higher cost of living and fear of social exclusion. Must gentrification have its winners and losers? Should the city let things run free, seek ways to protect the most vulnerable, or actively manage and support gentrification?

Guests in the discussion: Barbora Bírová / social anthropologist, director of the Platform for Social Housing Daniel Kajpr / urban planner, Karlín Group Luděk Sýkora / social geographer, Faculty of Science, Charles University

About Gen Praha: How do different generations of Prague residents experience Prague? How do the social sciences and humanities view current quality of life issues? "Gen Prague" is a discussion space with three guests who keep their fingers on the pulse of the metropolis. Its moderators are from the fields of geography and anthropology.


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