ICONS: Pavol Merjavý, Štefan Svetko, Oľga Ondreičková, Pavol Ondreička

Dokumentární cyklus o generaci architektů a architektek, kteří stojí za nejpozoruhodnějšími slovenskými stavbami druhé poloviny 20. století. Každý film z dvanáctidílné série režíroval jiný režisér – celkově to bylo osm žen a čtyři muži – z mladé generace slovenských dokumentaristů. Jednotlivé filmy tak mají svůj nezaměnitelný tón vyprávění a umělecký styl, od „kubrickovských“ záběrů přes historickou rekonstrukci socialismu až po čistou komedii. Každý film je tak osobním dialogem mezi režisérem a ikonickými architekty napříč desetiletími a generacemi.

Pavol Merjavý After school, he worked at Stavoprojekt (state architectural firm) in Košice, where he worked until his retirement. He designed mainly public buildings such as a crematorium, a wedding hall and a museum in the Tatra Mountains, but he did not shy away from prefabricated buildings and housing estates either. Throughout his life, he also devoted himself to the visual arts, which is also reflected in his architectural works.

Paulína Mačáková / Slovakia / 2021 / 26 min

Štefan Svetko He studied architecture in Prague and worked all his life in Bratislava. Innovative technical solutions and a generous formal language are typical of Svetko's work. He was also actively involved in urban planning, mainly in the form of housing estates or the Bratislava development plan. In 1968, he stood up against the occupation by the Russian army, which led to a partial ban on architectural activity. In 1989, during the Velvet Revolution, he was also active in civil society.

Maroš Milčík Slovakia 2020 26 min

Oľga Ondreičková, Pavol Ondreička Oľga Ondreičková is one of the outstanding personalities of the first generation of Slovak women architects. Her work is characterized by pragmatism, simplicity and monumentality. Her husband is architect Pavel Ondreička, with whom she collaborated on several projects, as well as in the design of furniture, interiors and artistic decoration. At the peak of her career, Oľga Ondreičková led her own project group, which was rare for a woman at that time.

Mária Pinčíková / Slovakia / 2020 / 27 min


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