Slovak architecture in film
ICONS: Viera Mecková, Iľja Skoček, Vladimír Dedeček

Dokumentární cyklus o generaci architektů a architektek, kteří stojí za nejpozoruhodnějšími slovenskými stavbami druhé poloviny 20. století. Každý film z dvanáctidílné série režíroval jiný režisér – celkově to bylo osm žen a čtyři muži – z mladé generace slovenských dokumentaristů. Jednotlivé filmy tak mají svůj nezaměnitelný tón vyprávění a umělecký styl, od „kubrickovských“ záběrů přes historickou rekonstrukci socialismu až po čistou komedii. Každý film je tak osobním dialogem mezi režisérem a ikonickými architekty napříč desetiletími a generacemi.

Viera Mecková She is the most significant female personality of Slovak architecture of the 20th Century. She worked at Stavoprojekt Žilina (state architectural firm), and since 1990 she has been licensed as an independent architect. She designed mainly in the field of cultural and social buildings, designed interiors and devoted herself to the production of jewelry. In the sixties she cooperated with Alex Mlynarčík and Ľudovít Kupkovič in the creative group VAL.

Barbora Sliepková / Slovakia / 2020 / 28 min

Iľja Skoček After studying in Bratislava and a year of practice in Stavoprojekt (state architectural firm), he completed further studies in Prague. After entering practice, he devoted himself to a whole series of architectural tasks together with architects Ferdinand Konček and Ľubomír Titl. At a relatively young age, they managed to win architectural competitions for significant buildings, but they also devoted themselves to residential construction. In 1981-84 he worked on an urban planning project in Algiers.

Dano Dekan / Slovakia / 2020 / 25 min

Vladimír Dedeček He was originally supposed to study sociology at the Sorbonne in Paris, but he eventually became perhaps the most controversial figure of his generation of architects in Slovakia. To this day, experts and laymen differ in their opinions of his distinctive, expressive work. He devoted himself primarily to construction of schools, and two of his projects have been declared national cultural monuments in recent years.

Jana Durajová / Slovakia / 2021 / 29 min

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