Prague tomorrow? The Soutok suburban park

What will the area around the confluence of the Berounka and Vltava rivers look like? The exhibition of the results of the international landscape competition will present both the concept of the area and individual sub-projects, such as landscaping of the sites around the Radotín and Černošice bridges, the restoration of the Berounka valley, or a new safe connection between the historic centres of Zbraslav and Radotín. It will also show the suburban park, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic, which will not only serve as a recreation area for the people of Prague but, first and foremost, as a tool for mitigating the impact of climate change. The exhibition will feature all four of the best proposals, as well as community projects for exploring the landscape.

The project "Suburban park as a tool for mitigating the impact of climate change" is financed by EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 CZ-ENVIRONMENT program.

The event will be in Czech language only.


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