951 projects

Jan Vodňanský Elementary School

Praha 7 – Holešovice
U Pergamenky
Josef Choc
Filip Rašek, Jonáš Mikšovský, Natálie Kristýnková, Barbora Lopraisová, Emily Hillová
Education, Civic amenities
Project start:
Q1 2022
Total investment:
CZK 500 million

Vizualizace architektonického návrhu

Author: Josef Choc a kol. , Source: CCEA MOBA

Vizualizace architektonického návrhu

Author: Josef Choc a kol. , Source: CCEA MOBA

Vizualizace architektonického návrhu - interiér

Author: Josef Choc a kol. , Source: CCEA MOBA

Vizualizace architektonického návrhu - interiér

Author: Josef Choc a kol. , Source: CCEA MOBA

Vizualizace architektonického návrhu

Author: Josef Choc a kol.

The subject of the competition wasthe new building of the Jan Vodňanský Elementary School, which will be one of the first buildings that will determine the appearance of the newly emerging block of buildings in Prague's Holešovice. The subject of the competition wasthe design of the new primary school, including the outdoor spaces and the restoration of the Přádelní alley for pedestrians and cyclists (or the necessary supply). The aim was to find a solution that defines meaningful urbanism of the place with reasonable economic costs of construction and operation of the building, as well as creative and sophisticated architecture and defines a clear idea of a school for the 21st century that respects the current ecological, social and aesthetic requirements.

The future school is named after Jan Vodňanský, an important writer, actor, songwriter, as well as a citizen and patriot of the Prague 7 district, who was born in 1941 and lived in Holešovice for many years. His work was largely dedicated to children, but also to adults, and was characterized by original imagination full of puns and intelligent humor. In 2017, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Seventh District.


The new elementary school building in Holešovice offers spaces for modern forms of teaching. The central atrium and clusters of classrooms allow for various types of use during lessons and breaks. Variability and clarity are the defining themes. The building of the new primary school enters the blocks of Holešovice with a clearly legible volume. It becomes an urban landmark, bringing the public space into its ground floor. The compact form enables the illumination of the interiors and guarantees economy of investment and operation. Shared spaces around a central atrium with a residential staircase allow for community interaction within the school and various forms of learning and recreation. The first grades have an outdoor garden. A gymnasium and outdoor playground are located on the roof of the school overlooking the river.

Jury Evaluation:

The jury highlighted the excellent urban design supported by a concise and quality architecture. The school building is well and functionally connected to its surroundings, with well-designed entrances for different age groups and barrier-free access made possible by working with the surrounding terrain. The compact volume allows for future development in the area, whatever that may be, and the project itself will not be affected. The compact volume also brings economic efficiency as well as spatial efficiency - the building is economical in relation to the site and so the design offers a quality space directly on the ground adjacent to the dining room and daycare. Another great aspect of this design is that the school itself is only two floors. The exception of having the first graders on the ground floor is a clever way to carefully and slowly integrate them into the school system. The jury found the proposed structure to be simple, efficient and realistic. The layout overall and at cluster level offers variability and flexibility of use. The jury also appreciated the well-chosen size of the atrium with good connections to the ground floor, where the "un-purposed" space creates ample potential for multiple uses.


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