852 projects

New Gate Olbrachtova

Praha 4 – Krč
Benthem Crouwel Architects
Housing, Offices
Project start:
Q2 2021

Vizualizace architektonického návrhu

Vizualizace architektonického návrhu

Vizualizace architektonického návrhu

Vizualizace architektonického návrhu


Vizualizace architektonického návrhu

The development project consists of rental apartments, offices, and services connected with the new metro station’s exit. The project will be owned by the investor and leased to the tenants. Therefore, the investor is interested in the design of a building with long-term efficient operation and a creative solution that will guarantee the energy label and real energy efficiency.

Primary function (over 50 % GFA) - rental apartments; Secondary function (approx. 30-40 % GFA) - standard A office area with the possibility of use as flexible offices; Additional function (approx. 10 % GFA) - services.

Today, it is possible to build 18,712 m2 of GFA in the area. The current zoning plan of the plot as “non-interfering production and services” will become illogical in the future with the construction of the new metro station D Olbrachtova; it is, therefore, necessary to initiate a change in the zoning plan, which will enable the creation of a contemporary, high-quality building. The competition aims to prepare a basis for changing the zoning plan, which will consider the new metro station D as a local center, and subsequently implement the proposed project in cooperation with the investor. We believe that this will create a dominant building of a high architectural level with an excellent ratio between the building‘s price and value.

Based on an open call, an unlimited number of architect offices and teams were able to apply. A jury with majority by independent experts selected 5 participants to create their proposals. These teams will tour the site and present and discuss their work in progress with the jury. They will also be able to present their final designs to the jury.

Jury Evaluation:

We have decided to award this project first place in the competition because it is a spatially promising concept that best offers the necessary basis for the development of the project from all points of view. The design most accurately described the assignment and its effect. However, expect a very demanding elaboration of the project going forward.

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