Vizualizace architektonického návrhu – Císařský ostrov
Source: IPR PrahaVizualizace architektonického návrhu – Císařský ostrov
Source: IPR PrahaVizualizace architektonického návrhu – Císařský ostrov
Source: IPR PrahaVizualizace architektonického návrhu – Trojské nábřeží
Source: IPR PrahaVizualizace architektonického návrhu – Trojské nábřeží
Source: IPR PrahaVizualizace architektonického návrhu – Císařský ostrov
Prague approved the Císařský ostrov (Imperial Island) concept back in 2017, signing a Memorandum of Cooperation on Local Governance with other partners. The Příměstský park Trojská kotlina (the Troja Basin Suburban Park) organization was established to manage the landscape in the area defined by the Troja Basin, which covers approximately 800 hectares and in which various infrastructure facilities (a sewage treatment plant, new bridges and flood protection measures) intermingle with landscape and nature conservation and development projects. The territory is divided among a significant number of managers and owners with differing interests and responsibilities, and is spread over four city districts. Hence a management plan was created in 2019 - a specific procedure for coordinating the activities of the individual managers.
The Troja Basin comprises separate projects that build on and support each other. So far, a study of the Stromovka waterfront and a study for the landscaping of Imperial Island have been created. As a result, several landfills were removed and intensive care for the first parts of the island began. Detailed studies are currently being prepared for the revitalization of the river, the Troja Embankment with flood protection for the zoo, and the connection from Papírenská ulice street to Troja with a new footbridge.
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