Join us for a series of presentations and an expert panel discussion to mark the launch of Meanwhile City: How temporary interventions create welcoming places with a strong identity, a new publication by Milk exploring the value and best practices in temporary interventions. Cities need effective tools to adapt — especially in these times of increasing social, economic and environmental uncertainty. Temporary interventions can enhance a city's ability to course-correct, recover in the face of adversity, and encourage physical and behavioural changes. Our panellists will present their approach to meanwhile activation, from large-scale masterplanning project at King’s Cross London, through to acupunctural meanwhile transformations, participatory placemaking and city-led programmes.
Carl Turner, Founding Director, Turner Works, an award-winning London-based architecture practice with expertise in meanwhile projects
Nick Searl, joint Managing Partner, Argent, the developer behind King’s Cross masterplan in London recognised for its people-centered approach
Petra Marko, architect and urbanist; Placemaking Director at Milk and co-author of Meanwhile City
Šimon Jiráček, architect, urban planner at IPR Prague, author of the Smetana embankment revitalisation
Milk Places is an interdisciplinary team of designers building identities for cities, districts and places through research, narratives, visual storytelling and public space activation.